Set around the modern world of the music business, the classic fairy tale "Cinderella" is recast with Mary Santiago, a natural-born dancer at heart, as the orphaned, put-upon princess-to-be, working for cruel pop star Dominique and her two horrible daughters, Britt and Bree. After years of abuse at the wicked trio's hands, Mary, now a junior at ritzy Beverly Hills High School, is counting down the days until her dance audition for the prestigious Manhattan Academy of Performing Arts, where she hopes to transfer for a bright future away from Dominique and her over-demanding brood. When teen pop sensation Joey Parker returns to Beverly Hills High to finish up school like a "normal" teen, the stage is set for a masquerade dance, mistaken identity, and a search for the girl who dropped her iPod (the modern equivalent of a glass slipper) while fleeing from the dance. This modern fairy tale proves you don't need a fairy godmother to make magic happen, or to have a happy ending! MPAA Rating: PG ยฉ 2008 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.