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The Dudley and Liza combination is legendary, and of course is the BEST FILM. But, let me give credit where credit is due, this film, surprisingly, was much more funnier than I ever thought possible. The wit was outstanding and well timed, except I wish the banter between Naomi and Arthur was more in tune with one another, and I wish they looked like they could have been a couple in real life. There was NO WAY they looked at any point in this remake that they could be a couple walking together in a mall, and that was what was missing. Whoever was the casting director should be FIRED. Yes, it was missing some parts, but what it was missing it made up for in Russell's humor, and mind you, I'm NOT a fan of his, but he was great in this film. He basically carried the film, but the ending is HORRRRRRRRIIIIBLE. Still, it really wasn't that bad.I liked it, and hopefully you will as well.

A Google user
before i received the gingerbread update for the MyTouch 4G i was able to play movies just fine and after the update it just says buffering and then an error message appears stating i can't connect to the server.
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Jean Luc Pressoir
I wish I was experiences with the type of life like that, as a rich boy except be around drinking and driving through speeding from the police. Especially don't want fool around with childish games and getting into trouble with the law. I want to go around the world explore worldwide in another cities and cultures to learn and never been to more than where I am all my life.