
2009 • 161 minutos
23,6 mil avaliações
Recomendado para maiores de 13 anos
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Sobre este filme

From Academy Award® winning director James Cameron comes Avatar, the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people.
Recomendado para maiores de 13 anos

Classificações e resenhas

23,6 mil avaliações
Rhian Cuadrante
30 de maio de 2020
Its a good film but didn't have an interesting plot. The only thing that made this movie a hit was the fact that it was the first movie to use CGI in a revolutionary way. Making a part 2 is ok but I don't think it will be record breaking especially in the times of Marvel's success and DC's bright future ahead of them.
Essa avaliação foi marcada como útil por 27 pessoas
19 de setembro de 2015
Avatar is a gorgeous movie, worth seeing for the landscapes alone... Which are best enjoyed on a large screen, and preferably in 3D. Subsequent viewings on a regular TV or tablet screen, in plain old 2D, reveal on occasion rather glaringly the places where the animators saved a bit of work by skipping details or shading because they thought nobody would be looking at that particular spot. Storywise I like the message but find that it could've been told less derivatively, less overbearingly and with less obvious good&bad sides. Hopefully the sequels will get better in the story department, though I'm very frustrated that Cameron has tied himself into three sequels since those are currently preventing him from making a couple of other planned films I'd much rather see than the continued adventures of the cat-people of Pandora. =/ It's a good movie, but Cameron can do better!
Essa avaliação foi marcada como útil por 8.991 pessoas
12 de outubro de 2015
Okelah dari segi teknis dan visualisasi serta efek CGI untuk cinematography film ini mmg jawara. James Cammeron luar biasa memanjakan kita dgn efek2 & teknis visualisasi yg menawan telebih lagi pemandangan Pandora yg sangat memesona. Tapi dari sudut cerita...well, sbg pengamat & penikmat film, tema cerita terkesan klise dan benar2 komersil. Oh C'mon,real human guy jatuh cinta dgn blue-chic alien? Really? No wonder score dari Rottentomattoes aja gak nyampe 90%, mrk kritikus2 film yg jg sependapat dgn saya 😂
Essa avaliação foi marcada como útil por 5.066 pessoas