Before Midnight

2013 • 108 minút
476 recenzií
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Tento film

Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) first met in their twenties in Before Sunrise; reunited in their thirties in Before Sunset; and, now, in director Richard Linklater's amazing Before Midnight, they face the past, present and future; family, romance, and love. Now married and in Greece, the couple looks for a night of passion, but instead their idyllic night turns into a test of their relationship, and a discussion of what their future holds for them.

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476 recenzií
Kailyn Champlin
6. mája 2020
I adore the Before trilogy, but this one was straight up hard to watch. Realistic, but hard to watch nonetheless. *******SPOILER ALERT******* It's hard to see them so at odds with each other after such a romantic beginning, but such is unfortunately the outcome of many a relationship. A Redditor had the great idea that they should film the fourth one with the two of them rekindling their romance over quarantine. That sounded like an amazing idea, and I'd love to see them finish out the series that way (even if it might not match the time scale).
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m F
4. februára 2014
My ex from one ago got me hooked on the first movie and I thank her for it. To me this movie series is about love and chance and you can say it's a bad movie and she bitches at him entire movie but before you say it take a step back and look at your own marriages and relationships they are not always peachy king.
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Jacob Dornan
30. decembra 2013
As a huge fan of the first two in the series, I went in with extremely high expectations and was not disappointed. No, it's not as sweet as the first two films. The cracks in their relationship that we glimpsed in the predecessor become even more evident, leading into one of the most intense and heart wrenching scenes this decade. As of now, this still stands as my favorite film of the year. Make sure to watch the other films in the series before seeing this.
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