Blade 2: Bloodhunt

2002. • 116 perc
1,04 E vélemény
17 év felettieknek
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Blade is forced to team up with the very vampires whom he hastes-in order to overcome a new type of monster wich threatens to eradicate both races. MPAA Rating: R Copyright MMII New Line Productions, Inc.
17 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

1,04 E vélemény
Ahmad Whitmire
2015. október 12.
Yup they made a 2nd film about my favorite African American comic book hero and it was freaking awesome but like any 2002 action film the CGI was OK that doesn't make the action scene's boring shoot blade 2 was the best action movie in 2002 the last fight scene is of course the best fight scene in the whole movie so yeah
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Stacy Lynn
2013. április 1.
who must be the republican tax hawk is superb in this movie as only he can. I have all three blade movies, but the original one is the best.
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Robert Martin
2016. szeptember 8.
I own the whole blade entertainment franchise but BLADE )) was badass. Its brutal, sickening bone crunching fights made it awesome. The vampires were scary as hell. He rules
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