Catch the Fair One

2022 • 85 minutes
13 avis
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À propos de ce film

Native American boxer Kaylee embarks on the fight of her life when she goes undercover in a sex trafficking operation to seek revenge against the men who kidnapped her sister.

Notes et avis

13 avis
Jeff Thompson
18 février 2022
This movie is for someone much smarter than I, as I (plain and simple) did NOT understand it, specifically the ending. I don't want to write a spoiler, just suffice it to say the Trailer shows the entire movie. I fount it very slow and hard to watch. For $6.99 rental I was hoping for a much better movie than this. If this is all you have to watch, read a good book!!! The one other review is 5-Star, who did that person know in this movie??
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David Johnstone
10 mai 2022
bro shes not even native never proved she was. blacks are no different then white folks who calm their native just for that this movie is a turn off for sure
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Reid Losurt
20 février 2022
This film captured the essence of the very real genocide that is happening to the so-called Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans, particularly the women. Hopefully this movie will bring more awareness and create a spark to reignite attention to the prevention of sex traffickers targeting our women.
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