Charlie Bartlett

2008 • 96 minutos
3 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Wealthy teenager Charlie Bartlett (Anton Yelchin) is failing miserably at fitting in at a new public high school run by the world-weary Principal Gardner (Robert Downey, Jr.). As he begins to better understand the social hierarchy, Charlie's honest charm and likeability positions him as the resident "psychiatrist" dishing out advice, and the occasional prescription, to his fellow students in need. Along the way, he decides to take some of his own advice, thus wielding a witty dark comedy about the angst-filled years before college.

Valoracións e recensións

3 recensións
Lorraine Alsace
14 de xaneiro de 2020
Not quite my kind of comedy tho when drug abuse was utilized as a vehicle for Charlie Bartlett's (Yelchin) to exercise his business enterprise while subtlety being able to manipulate the adults, however, he soon saw the errors of his ways but at the expense of Principal Gardner's (RDJ) losing his job. Despite the subject matter, I enjoyed Yelchin's (RIP) performance. It wasn't every movie where he smiled more than once. ☺ RDJ was also good too in a non-Marvel role. High school was tough. h
Michelle Portelli
1 de abril de 2021