Chris Brown: Welcome to My Life

2017 • 79 minút
250 recenzií
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This documentary is the life story of singer Chris Brown and features new concert footage, behind-the-scenes access and interviews with Usher, Jennifer Lopez, DJ Khaled, Mary J. Blige, Mike Tyson, Rita Ora, Jamie Foxx, and others.

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250 recenzií
Steve Howard
2. septembra 2017
People on here are looking for an excuse for abuse and women being hit , there is NO excuse , someone actually said Rhianna started it so it's her fault , he has money and good lawyers , disgusting little man , respect women....simple. Not a role model. A carefully constructed documentary that any right minded woman wouldn't even touch with a barge pole , zero tolerance on domestic abuse , "but he made a mistake" everyone cries but he also makes millions and is probably laughing all the way the the bank , those injuries he inflicted were awful and she was lucky to be alive , ignorance is bliss , if you were on the receiving end of the beating would you be so forgiving? By some of the reviews here unfortunately....yes!
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Destiny Smith
5. marca 2018
Chris Brown will always be a legend. He's multi-talented, and will continue to shine, despite all the hate. I love you Chris. Been here since day 1, so I don't expect most people to know the real you. 💯❤
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Phenomenal Porsha
16. augusta 2017
Amazing! Made me admire Chris even more. I never believed that he was a monster even after all the negative Media stuff....this right here just proves that I was right not to believe the hype! #TeamBreezy4Life
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