Cold Fish

2011 • 146 minút
8 recenzií
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Tento film

Inspired by the story of a real-life Japanese serial killer Cold Fish is a bloodcurdling suspense drama that unveils the underlying insanity of an ordinary man. Award winning cult director Sion Sono (LOVE EXPOSURE, SUICIDE CLUB) charts the darkly twisted alliance of two tropical fish salesmen and delivers slaughterhouse levels of gore and wickedly absurdist humor.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

8 recenzií
Toban Jestin
17. mája 2022
Not for everyone. To be honest it is an incredibly upsetting experience. 5/5. Don't watch it with normal people. They wont like it.
Bolo to užitočné?
Erlangga Irfan
27. novembra 2020
1 dulu belum nonton soalnya
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