Constantine's Sword

2008 • 95 minutes
14 avis
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À propos de ce film

Constantine's Sword is an astonishing exploration of the dark side of Christianity, following acclaimed author and former priest James Carrol on a journey of rememberance and reckoning. Warning of what happens when military power and religious fervor are joined, this new film from Oscar-nominated director Oren Jacoby asks - Is the fanaticism that threatens the world today fueled by our own deeply held beliefs?

Notes et avis

14 avis
23 août 2014
After having watched this film, I come away marveling at it's obvious and shameful flaw. Namely that Carroll is lambasting over and over again what the Roman Catholic Church has done. Yet his actual purpose is to target Evangelical Protestants. What Carroll leaves completely unsaid is that Protestant Christians were historically persecuted far more viciously, far longer, and far more often than Jews and Muslims EVER were under Roman Catholicism. If Carroll really wants to detail the "sins" & "dangers" of Evangelical Christianity, why not stick to them instead of dwelling on the ANCIENT history of CATHOLICS - & only pausing to breath when describing what the Roman Catholics had done under the Nazis? This approach is dishonest to it's core. If Carroll want to reveal the sins of the Evangelicals, fine, but there's now excuse for painting Protestantism with every last bit of Catholic baggage, particularly when Carroll himself MUST know that they themselves had born the lion's share of the Catholic Church's atrocities. In fact, historically, Muslims and Jews were typically little more than collateral damage & co-victims of Catholicism's all out war against the Protestants.
Holly Shald
1 octobre 2017
I paid money to watch this movie and Google couldn't fetch the license. This is the third time this has happened in the last couple of months.