Cristiano Ronaldo: The Portugese Prodigy

2012 • 52 минуты
28 отзывов
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
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Информация о фильме

Confident, talented and good looking, Cristiano Ronaldo is a marketing dream. A natural leader capable of inspiring runs, powerful strikes and the ability to find the back of the net, he is what many deem to be a perfect footballer. Off field is another story however, wih Ronaldo the cause of multiple scandals. Cristiano Ronaldo has been described as the "perfect footballer", for his leadership on the field; his power running, and his uncanny ability to "find the back of the net". Off-field he is the ultimate marketing machine, loved by young and old, male and female football fans. This program looks at the achievements of Manchester United's famous midfielder, as well as the scandals that threatened to derail his brilliant career.

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28 отзывов
antonio huitzil
22 июня 2014 г.
Only true fans understand
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Regan England
1 января 2014 г.
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jayden shiba
13 апреля 2013 г.
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