Daylight's End

2016 • 104 minút
200 recenzií
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Tento film

Years after a mysterious plague has devastated the planet and turned most of humanity into blood-hungry creatures, a rogue drifter on a vengeful hunt stumbles across a band of survivors in an abandoned police station and reluctantly agrees to try to help them defend themselves and escape to the sanctuary they so desperately need.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

200 recenzií
John Coryat
4. septembra 2016
Good post apocalyptic end of world movie. It's a bit original and unique in the settings and the meanies but the same characters are running the show. That's not bad though as they are well defined, seem to follow a reasonable path and are easy to watch. There are a couple of glaring holes in the plot but since this is just a fun movie, they don't matter much. Lots of splatter, violence and the usual stuff. Worth watching.
Justin Voysey
13. septembra 2016
Awesome movie! They did a really good job on handling and using there guns like professionals would! Been waiting for this movie for well over a year now and the wait was worth it! I love zombie apocalypse movies and I love guns so this movie is the best of both worlds. I highly suggest this movie.I normally rent movies on here but I bought it just to support the under dog or the small guy in the film business (for lack of a better words).... Awesome job guys I hope u make some more films like this One!!!
17 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Jeff Pendrey
27. októbra 2016
You may be skeptical about getting this movie because you don't know the actors names. Rest assured... You won't be disappointed! The only thing that I'll caution you about is that you don't want to rent this movie! Buy it to start with! If you do rent it, you'll still want to buy it. Great action movie even if you're not into the whole undead genre!