Deliver Us from Evil

2014 • 118 minutos
2.03 k opiniones
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Acerca de esta película

An Irish Catholic cop working a case meets a renegade priest. Despite the cop’s beliefs, he’s convinced by the priest that there is a demonic element involved and together they work to solve the case and combat the paranormal forces working against them.

Calificaciones y opiniones

2.03 k opiniones
Girl Mysteria
12 de diciembre de 2014
I'm not into horror movies like I used to be but I wanted to see how scary this is BC I read some reviews as scary movie and some not that scary but boring I wanted to see myself and my view on it is it was scary if that's based on a true story wow I'm horrified how something so awful and ugly can happened and be lurking. Thank God I truly believe in God and forsaken all others. I prayed after watching this movie now I need to find something funny and comical to watch so I won't have nightmare Ilove you God
Esta opinión les resultó útil a 42 personas
Rico R
3 de noviembre de 2014
Getting to the point, I was intrigued, almost riveted, until the big goofy Hollywood ending. Just a little ham-fisted and over the top compared to the rest of the movie. Also, I LOVE Olivia Munn but her New England "accent" almost made me laugh. To the credit of all involved, they tried to keep the accent subtle but that just made it seem inconsistent. Worth a rent.
Esta opinión les resultó útil a 3 personas
Jack Holt
1 de noviembre de 2014
Look, good actors aside the only saving grace of this movie was the Joel McHale knife fight. Basically it starts out OK then just meh. Once again the trailer is scarier than the actual movie itself.