Alcohol, weed and cocaine undoubtedly made this work funny to those who produced it. I possess none of the aforementioned vices. Norm and Artie are enjoyable on talk shows and podcasts which are free. Without Farley, I'd have rated this no stars.

mike c
Definitely worth a rent. Worth a buy in my mind . have it on vhs. Those people who gave it a 17% rating can suck a di#k .better than any trash that comes out now

I remember watching this movie with my friend when we were 15 years old. It was so hilarious and became one of our favorite movies! If you go into it expecting some high level comedy, you will be sadly disappointed, but if you go into it knowing who is in it and who directed it then you will absolutely love it! It's a stupid comedy with a lot of stupid laughter which is why it is so great!