Spliffy DayZ
God, Jesus, the whole crew showing up In mysterious ways to show you that a powerful man up in the sky will solve all your problems. Keep hitting your wife, keep smoking that crack, as long as you believe. Good will set you free. These movies are for the people who think nothing is life except a job and the lord. I hate the idea of God and Jesus. It has broken a lot more than it has fixed, not to even mention the broken mental of the people who believe.
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Barbara Terrien
Awsome movie the actors are amazing, have all "God not dead" was amazing, "Do you believe" all their lives hearfelt for us, we been married 46 yrs the past 8 months been chalenging, my husband got hit and run on his bike, broken bone did not heal, found out he has osteoporosis, 2 weeks later they found cancer, the movies have been a blessing, and hopeful, we dont know what the future holds, by god's and mercy we can accept what the future may hold christian music are source of couragment. Thank

Sonya Ellis
This was a very thought provoking movie. Our evangelism ministry showed it for movie night. The movie should excite us to spread the good news and not fear people or death. But to have compassion for people on hard times and not judge but love. Jesus lives and God is love and protector of all. This movie as teaches even when we are not thinking of Him, He is still thinking of us, providing for us and loving us. Thank you for letting God use you to make this movie; a great evangelism tool.