Doctor Strange (2016)

2016 • 114 minutes
15.5K reviews
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About this movie

From Marvel comes Doctor Strange, the story of world-famous neurosurgeon Dr. Stephen Strange, whose life changes forever after a horrific car accident robs him of the use of his hands. When traditional medicine fails him, he is forced to look for healing, and hope, in an unlikely place – a mysterious enclave known as Kamar-Taj. He quickly learns that this is not just a center for healing but also the front line of a battle against unseen dark forces bent on destroying our reality. Before long Strange – armed with newly acquired magical powers – is forced to choose whether to return to his old life or leave it all behind to defend the world as the most powerful sorcerer in existence.

Ratings and reviews

15.5K reviews
Tommie Jones
March 9, 2017
Great action. Great visual effects. (spoiler alert) The scene with Tilda Swinton in the emergency room was all time lame. Mads Mikkelson plays a great foe but ever seeing him in Valhalla Rising; "emotional" doesn't wear well on him. I get the feeling his part was really meant for Viggo Mortensen. Story felt incomplete in the sense that Strange barely has time to learn much before being thrust into the spotlight. Next thing he knows he's battling a angry cosmic giant head. It's enough to make anyone say to sorcerer supreme "take this cape and shove it". All in all I liked it. Assuming his short chat with (spoiler alert) an Avenger; it sets up his involvement with Infinity War post Ragnarok where I guess Odin died; not the case as it seems.
34 people found this review helpful
Anuj Rana
February 14, 2017
Uninspired story and poor casting choices haunt a movie with strong potential. Cumberbatch and Adams do a good job with their roles - however the rest of the cast falls flat a feels out of place in a move that does not take place in Marvel's "New York" but instead in the mountains of Nepal and China. Washed out colors and poor cgi carry a filler episode type story that had a lot more potential coming into it than it actually ended up with. Overall - a disappointing movie from a studio we've come to expect better than average films from. The Marvel studios are not quite ready to tackle a fantasy film. I mean even "Jupiter Ascending" looked prettier than this.
483 people found this review helpful
Joeseph Nicholls
November 15, 2019
Kylin danes you an idiot. For all the millions and millions a Fan's of the entire Marvel Studio Universe starting with the first Iron Man that totally disagree with you is truly laughable. How can you think that they should start over from Ground Zero when they have made well over 500 billion if not weigh more in total gross earnings dating back all the way to the first Iron Man up until the last movie that just came out. Can your facts straight so that you don't sound like an idiot
14 people found this review helpful