The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

2008 • 166 минути
5 рецензии
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За филмов

Brad Pitt and Academy Award winner Cate Blanchett star in F. Scott Fitzgerald's story of the life and loves of a man experiencing his life backwards-- The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. Director David Fincher (Zodiac, Seven) brings this remarkable tale to the screen.BenjaminButton (Pitt--Troy), is born as an 80-year-old man in New Orleans just after World War I and proceeds to grow younger as time passes. Button,who like any other man is unable to stop time, experiences life and his love for Daisy (Blanchett--The Aviator) oddly out of synch with the rest of humanity in this time traveler's tale of the people and placesBenjamin Button encounters, the loves he loses and finds, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time.

Оцени и рецензии

5 рецензии
Hamza Asimi
10 декември 2021
الجمال فيلم شهدناه
Sen Gökyüzümsün
7 октомври 2020