Eyes Wide Shut

1999 • 158 minutos
13.4 k opiniones
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Acerca de esta película

"Kubrick's final, haunting masterpiece. Vivid, brilliant, unforgettable." - Time. Box-office superstar, Oscar-nominee and Golden Globe-winner Tom Cruise and Golden Globe-winner Nicole Kidman star in this erotically charged story of sexual obsession and jealousy. From multiple Oscar and Golden Globe-nominee Stanley Kubrick ("2001: A Space Odyssey," "The Shining," "A Clockwork Orange"). Co-starring Oscar-winner Sydney Pollack ("A Civil Action") and Golden Globe-nominee Thomas Gibson ("Dharma & Greg"). "...truly the riskiest film in Kubrick's] career...one more brilliantly provocative tour de force..." - The New York Times. MPAA Rating: NOTRATED © 1999 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved

Calificaciones y opiniones

13.4 k opiniones
12 de octubre de 2015
Classic & menggairahkan. Tp dilain itu Film ini absurd bahkan freak. Bagi orang awam yg blm terbiasa menikmati film dr sutradara jenius Stanley Kubrick pasti akan dibuat mengenyitkan dahi & selesai nonton akan menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan. Ending yg absurd,long scene yg bikin jenuh,dialog2 yg cerdas namun melelahkan. Sedikit spoiler,ada bnyk adegan nude & erotis disini. Scene memorable tp mencekam terasa saat William menyusup ke sekte terselubung. Disarankan,film ini lbh baik ditonton usia 25thn keatas
Esta opinión les resultó útil a 10,757 personas
Kupes Oliver “Maui Tiki Tiki Atiranga”
23 de mayo de 2021
I've seen this Film Flick a few times within the 'Old school screens' of VCR's I wouldn't even bother wasting my time & buck's viewing this 'via' Here Seriously don't even think about it, even for the perverted man WHO wants to see naked women /or Kidman's privates
Esta opinión les resultó útil a 9 personas
Datta Parama
26 de setiembre de 2015
Yg bilang ini film "jahat" brarti ga bisa lihat dr sisi film atau jalan cerita, alur, background, dll. Buanyak film di luar sana yg ga cocok buat org Indonesia terutama yg alergi sm scenes" adult. Ada Malena, Fifty Shades of Grey, Les Nom de Genes, Nurse, dll. Itu judul" film yg aku kebetulan punya dan banyak scene adultnya. Makanya, sebelum komen baca dulu deskripsi filmnya. Kalo ga ngerti bhs Inggris, googling resensinya. Jangan males jd orang. Saya tau film ini pas SMP, dan ga aneh. Itu budaya mereka.
Esta opinión les resultó útil a 6,569 personas