Father of Lights

2012 • 98 minutu
63 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

If God could be filmed, what would He look like? In this explosive documentary, filmmaker Darren Wilson attempts to do the impossible: film God and understand His character. Along the way, Darren and his team encounter powerful witch doctors, violent gang leaders, Hindu holy men, and everyday people with extraordinary experiences to tell. Father of Lights attempts to tear away much of the bad press the Almighty has received over the years, and reveals a God who is far better than anyone could have possibly imagined.

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63 iritzi
Simon Mailloux
2019(e)ko irailaren 23(a)
Super, j'ai été touché et ce genre de manifestation miraculeuse de puissance nous connectant directement sur le courant de notre Papa Divin devrait être davantage médiatisé pour briser la confusion que les gens ont reçu de la part des religions!
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Mariam Greb
2015(e)ko irailaren 10(a)
Fantastic film! Cinematography is beautifully brought together with an excellent ending. Very inspiring and seeing the testimonies in action make it well worth purchasing. Could watch this many times... Shared it with our church leadership group and it inspired our evangelical prayer ministry. Beautiful!
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Russ Howison
2017(e)ko ekainaren 19(a)
Blown away! Darren Wilson just keeps getting better showing us the extraordinary​ kind of relationship it is possible for anyone to have with God! And God wants it more than we know, care for us more than we think, and pursues us more than we comprehend!
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