She and my now late father's friend lent them this movie. They love Jesus and church and all of that godly crap. But they couldn't even finish this film. They thought it was disrespectful to married couples and gender roles. They returned it the next day to their friend who is, unsurprisingly, perpetually single. "God" once told him to marry a certain woman he barely knew. She, being of mostly sound mind, declined because she didn't really know him either. THAT is the target audience-- lonely people.
30 people found this review helpful
Andrea Puryear
We need more Christian marriage movies. Most people who are judgmental of marriage never was married. Lastly, it's important for married couples to be counseled before and during marriage. In conclusion, I really like " Fireproof " because it seems more realistic than other movies, as the majority are more consumed by their careers than each other. In conclusion, married people with children need even more help.
Samuel Courliss
I watched this when I was five. It's very, very good. Surprisingly well-made. It also had plenty of cool moments in it, specifically the firefighter scenes. But this is meant for families going through hard times. It's not a family movie. Still, it was well made and I recommend it to any family.