Forbidden Planet

1956 • 98 minutes
479 reviews
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About this movie

A dutiful robot named Robby speaks 188 languages. An underground lair provides astonishing evidence of a populace a million years more advanced than Earthlings. There are many wonders on Altair-4, but none is greater or more deadly than the human mind. Forbidden Planet is the granddaddy of tomorrow, a pioneering work whose ideas and style would be reverse-engineered into many cinematic space voyages to come. Leslie Nielsen portrays the commander who brings his spacecruiser crew to the green-skied Altair-4 world that's home to Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), his daughter (Anne Francis), the remarkable Robby...and to a mysterious terror. Featuring sets of extraordinary scale and the first all- electronic musical soundscape in film history, Forbidden Planet is in a movie orbit all its own.

Ratings and reviews

479 reviews
Jeff B Richards
March 11, 2015
Forgive the strained metaphor. I appreciate how much Forbidden Planet illuminates its time and place. Kudos also to the wonderful mix of serious and deep themes, the actors and everyone reaching high, electronic music, barely post WWII mores and Freudian concepts thrust into the far future. Forget a retelling of Shakespeare. This is fascinating from every angle, and impressed my young self even on small B&W TV no end. Good taste starts young.
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Jamie Gibbs
May 21, 2020
I love the overall vibe of the alien planet and art direction for a movie of its time. That archaic electronic score is so good, amazing at setting a mood and is still tons better most entire modern day productions. The underground Krell city is "Death Star" good and I can only imagine how old timey viewers, were probably totally blown away when this originally came out. Robbie the Robot is just plain cool. Making dresses & jewery for beautiful Anne Francis and Moonshine for Cookie 💯
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Mike Paquette
July 6, 2015
One of my favorite movies of all time! I would have given it 5 stars but there's a scene of victim blaming (Commander Adams saying it would have served Alta right if his crew had their way with her given what she's wearing). Aside from that 30 second scene, everything's just A-OK!
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