ivan chakraborty
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John Travolta really looks the part of the Teflon Don, probably the second best person to have played him, as I think Armond Assante, played him better in a film of the same name. Not as bad as most critics made it to be, I was lucky enough to have read the book Gotti, so I knew a lot about certain characters that were in the movie, which helped a lot as this movie is a bit scattered in places and fails to be exciting, I thought it was good, definitely worth a watch if you're in to mafia movies.
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James Hodgkin
It's a long winded movie, I had to watch it in two parts because you really need to study the plot line quite intensely. I liked the end of the movie more, because you start to realise that this is more a true story and the government continue to make peoples lives a misery until this day and age which is very true. That said, it's a crime busting, mafia family heap, hunk of John Travolta, if you are expecting the Godfather this is more of an over spilt version of the real deal, mixed with style. Enjoy!

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Start was promising. Then halfway through I had inadvertently done my online grocery shopping. By the end of the film had managed to wash up and have a quick tidy. All that to say it was long, boring and slightly disappointing.
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