A Google user
This one is pretty boring compared to the first film. Lori Strode is taken to the most incompetent excuse for a hospital where Michael takes his sweet time offing the easily distracted nurses and ambulance drivers. The original movie felt realistic and tense. But this one barely resembles reality. You can tell the writers were struggling to keep the ball rolling. Trying to make it a continuation of the same murder spree on the same night just calls attention to the fact that this movie is a boring follow up to a great suspense film.
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Samuel B.
I watched this movie when I was 12 and I didn't like it near as much as the first film. It did have some creepy parts in it but it just wasn't a movie that would keep you up at night like the first. It also relied a lot more on Gore insisted of suspense wich is another one of it's flaws. I did enjoy it a lot more than the second nightmare on elm street however.
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A Google user
I did like the first, it's awesome but the second is ok. It's kind of boring here, and there but still a good classic old school movie. I'm old school so I would like classic horror film like for example Friday The 13, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Scream. I would recommend this film to people who don't watch this movie including the halloween series.
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