Halloween Kills Extended Cut

2021 • 109 minutu
214 iritzi
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The Halloween night when Michael Myers returned isn't over yet. Michael manages to free himself from Laurie Strode's (Jamie Lee Curtis) trap to resume his ritual bloodbath. As Laurie fights for her life from injuries from her last encounter with Michael, she inspires her daughter Karen (Judy Greer), granddaughter Allyson (Andi Matichak), and all of Haddonfield to rise up against their unstoppable monster. The vigilante mob then sets out to hunt Michael down, once and for all. Evil dies tonight. This Extended Cut of the movie features more thrills, more kills, and an alternate ending.

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214 iritzi
Nicolas Roop
2021(e)ko abenduaren 20(a)
Watched it with my parents and we all had the same thoughts behind it. This movie was terrible. Right up there with Resurrection and Rob Zombie's H2 for the worst Halloween movie made so far. Bad acting from everyone except Jamie Lee Curtis. Why was there so much forced comedy in this one? What was the point of any of the subplots when they don't connect to the rest of the film or story? It's got me scratching my head as to why even make the movie in the first place. Glad I saw it for free.
41 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Sunny T
2022(e)ko urtarrilaren 27(a)
This is the worst movie ever. This was more of a bad comedy movie. It should be renamed Halloween Battle Royale with how many royal rumbles they had. Michael vs 10 firefighters, Michael vs town, Michael vs town round 2. Don't bother with this. I don't even know how this movie got rated 5 stars from others. Blows my mind. Why did Jamie Lee Curtis even do this?
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Ryan Peck
2022(e)ko urtarrilaren 28(a)
Michael Myers is scary when he is lurking in the shadows. This film takes itself too seriously, and there are a lot of logic issues where people know things they shouldn't because they were not in that scene, and facts established in the previous installment are no longer facts. I gave it two stars because of the lady with the clothes iron.
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