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I liked it, it was a cool and unique movie. But there was a few things I didn't like about it, and here's what they are, and warning, this may contain a little bit of spoilers: One, It wasn't exciting enough, there wasn't enough action and random boring scene here and there. Two, the special effects were great but the special effects for the aliens were not that great, they kind of looked like some kind of puppets. And three, there was one scene where a guy said to his dad that smoking is not healthy, and I was very happy he said that, until later he smoked for himself and liked it, and his dad eventually comes by and sees him smoking and says "What happened to smoking is not healthy", and than he says happily that he can get used it. I was furious on the inside when that happened. I want people to quit smoking, not to continue to smoke or want to! A kid or just someone regardless might get inspired to smoke by this. That is a maybe, and probably not, but possible.
2 people found this review helpful

Great movie. The one star is for Google movies. Stay away from buying movies from google. I constantly have problems streaming movies from Google. I have a 100MB connection and have no problems streaming from Netflix or Amazon. Google is not ready for prime time when it comes to streaming. Constantly locking up during the movie. Luckily I have only purchased a few movies from Google. NEVER again.
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