
2011 • 102 minutes
2.43K reviews
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About this movie

A family looks to prevent evil spirits from trapping their comatose child in a realm called The Further. (Original Title - Insidious) © 2010 Alliance Films (UK) Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Ratings and reviews

2.43K reviews
Kegan Anthony
August 29, 2018
I don't understand why this movie has such high reviews on Google. It has a 65% rotten tomatoes score and it shows. The acting is cheesy and unbelievable, every scare is some random jump with the volume dialed to 11, and the special effects, ghosts, etc. just look really corny. This is not a 4.4/5 movie, Chapter 3 and 4 are much scarier and have better acting and a more believable plot. Very disappointed with this film.
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September 11, 2020
when PG 13 see their sx nxdity there then that will be too late, or i guess i don't know, that's for adults ages 18 years old but, that's is no idea include an sx scene when 13 year old sees that movie. Not cool at all! thank you and my bad. i kinda maybe like this movie Insidious but, not really that there's a kissing parts ;-;
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Billy Schuster
September 11, 2014
Its awful, its horrible, its insidious. It is a crappy movie that was just thrown together to make money and sadly it worked. It rips off many different movies and combines it into one big potf@#$. Don't get it you'll be wasting time, money, its so bad you would be wasting memory if you saw it, instead watch the fog, mouth of madness, darkness falls, or woman in black those are actual horror movies
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