John Carpenter's Vampires

1998 • 107 minút
275 recenzií
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Tento film

A vampire hunter must retrieve a cross before it falls into the hands of the undead, producing dire consequences for humanity. 1998 Largo Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

275 recenzií
Wiley Allard
3. apríla 2017
Put it in your eyes. This is the film that dealt with an very lot in vampires that other films hadn't. Trust me, it worth seeing. It violent, fascinating, and with just the right amount of pressure and comic relief.
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Jason Kimbro
19. októbra 2019
It seemed like Carpenter began to lose interest in filmmaking by this time and it shows. It does have its redeeming qualities, though.
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Jerry Gonzales
22. septembra 2016
Movie is Awesome hands down but whoever in the reviews just compared Clint Eastwood to that poor excuse of a Canadian Justin Bieber you either must be Canadian and think that doosh is a God or you don't even really know who Clint Eastwood is because Bieber is in no way considered cool especially to normal Americans
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