The Night House

২০২১ • ১০৭ মিনিট
৮৮ টা পৰ্যালোচনা
ৱেব ব্ৰাউজাৰ অথবা সমৰ্থিত ডিভাইচত চাওক অধিক জানক
আপোনাৰ ভাষাত অডিঅ’ আৰু ছাবটাইটেল এটাও উপলব্ধ নহয়। ছাবটাইটেল ইংৰাজী ভাষাতহে উপলব্ধ।

এই চলচ্চিত্ৰখনৰ বিষয়ে

Reeling from the unexpected death of her husband, Beth (Rebecca Hall) is left alone in the lakeside home he built for her. She tries as best she can to keep it together, but then nightmares come – disturbing visions of a presence in the house calling to her, beckoning her with a ghostly allure. Against the advice of her friends, she begins digging into her husband's belongings, yearning for answers. What she finds are secrets both strange and disturbing – a mystery she's determined to unravel. Along with Rebecca Hall (HOLMES & WATSON, CHRISTINE), THE NIGHT HOUSE stars Sarah Goldberg (BARRY), Vondie Curtis Hall (DIE HARD 2, EVE'S BAYOU), Evan Jonigkeit (X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, SWEETBITTER), and Stacy Martin (VOX LUX, NYMPHOMANIAC).

মূল্যাংকন আৰু পৰ্যালোচনাসমূহ

৮৮ টা পৰ্যালোচনা
Brandi Winney
১৭ অক্টোবৰ, ২০২১
This was better than the ratings gave it credit for. It wasn't a typical cheesy horror flick that they're pumping out everywhere. It was unique in it own ways. I liked how they did certain things to make it different and not so expected. I appreciate the story plot as well. It could have been better, but for the most part it was a good horror! We need more like these!
আপুনি এইটো সহায়ক পাইছেনে?
Biggans Mcallister
৭ অক্টোবৰ, ২০২১
This will be the last time for a long time I ever blindly spend money on a movie I haven't seen. Not much at all happens in this movie. It's certainly not scary. You find out stuff about the husband and the movie leaves you wondering was it true or was there something more to it? It wasn't interesting either way. The main char. Isn't very likeable. I get it, her s.o. died but it's not a free pass to be rude. The last 15 min. Are dull and aren't ScArY in the slightest. Save your time and money.
৬১ গৰাকী ব্যক্তিয়ে এই পৰ্যালোচনা সহায়ক বুলি কৈছে
আপুনি এইটো সহায়ক পাইছেনে?
savanh 178
২৯ অক্টোবৰ, ২০২১
It was one of the movies I wish I never spent money on to go see. Was not worth seeing in theaters!!! There was no horror no direction. All over the place. You wouldn't be able to tell if it was just paranormal, supernatural, demonic or if it was just in her head just don't waste your time.
আপুনি এইটো সহায়ক পাইছেনে?

এই চলচ্চিত্রখন মূল্যাংকন কৰক

আমাক আপোনাৰ মতামত জনাওক।