Love & Air Sex

2014 • 91 minút
81 recenzií
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Tento film

In this raucous, surprisingly romantic comedy, two pairs of exes are torn between rebound sex and getting back together. But can they survive the acts of revenge carried out at the Air Sex World Championships?

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81 recenzií
Oluwatobi Adeyinka
5. júla 2014
First saw this at the Dallas International Film Festival, I think is was called Bounceback. Definitely entertaining and worth a rent or even a purchase. I think the premise of the movie is pretty good, and it is really well executed.
2 osoby považujú túto recenziu za užitočnú
Brandy Reeves
24. februára 2014
Can't believe how much I loved this movie!! They could have left out the love story part though, cause everything else was what was the best.
6 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Cody Bradley
5. februára 2014
Watched this with my girlfriend. Haven't laughed at a comedy like this in years. If you don't mind raunchy humor you should definitely check this out.