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Miles Ahead

2016 • 100 mínútur
50 umsagnir
Ekki er hægt að velja hljóð eða skjátexta á þínu tungumáli. Hægt er að velja skjátexta á tungumálinu enska (Bretland), pólska og slóvakíska.

Um þessa kvikmynd

Miles Ahead is a wildly entertaining exploration of one of 20th century music's creative geniuses, Miles Davis, featuring a career defining performance by Oscar® nominee Don Cheadle in the title role. In the midst of a prolific career at the forefront of modern jazz, Miles Davis (Cheadle) virtually disappears from public view for a period of five years in the late 1970s, his musical voice stifled and numbed by drugs and pain medications. Dave Braden (Ewan McGregor), a wily music reporter, forces his way into Davis' life and, over the next couple of days, the two men unwittingly embark on a wild and sometimes harrowing adventure to recover a stolen tape of the musician's latest compositions. Plagued by years of regret and loss, Davis flirts with annihilation until he once again finds salvation in his art.

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50 umsagnir
Santosh Jr
6. apríl 2018
It is a great movie.
Var þetta gagnlegt?
Nazgul Kulbatyrova
19. júlí 2016
20 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
Var þetta gagnlegt?
24. nóvember 2016
Très bon
14 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
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