Mindless Behavior

2013 • 80 daqiqa
446 ta sharh
G (hamma uchun)
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

Bu film haqida

The story of how the new pop sensation Mindless Behavior rose from their humble beginnings to stardom.
Yoshga oid cheklov
G (hamma uchun)

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446 ta sharh
Marie Austin
22-noyabr, 2014
mickey 1985 Mindless Behavior look hot on stage saying standing i love movies music video music so much i feel sad went MB see mom on stage make 2 boy cry and make me sad make me cry I like prodigy ray ray roc royal Princeton so much just wish see mindless behavior one day i feel sad i want Mindless Behavior come New York one day i feel sad just wish see mindless behavior one day
Kindell Brooks
7-avgust, 2015
It was good just wish there was a little more about how there life is on tour and gone away from there family and how it is to be famous ect like more inside of there lives letting us live there day to day actions but overall it was a good documentary
Sherita Crutchfield
6-iyun, 2016
This movie was truly amazing! I agree when people say that this movie will make you cry and especially laugh😂. I love it. It's a very touching movie. Once I watched this movie, I realized what being mindless meant. It means to be yourself without caring about what other people think. It means to stand out and do what you want and love. That's what it means to me. Also, watching this movie me want to be just like them. It made me want to be a singer/dancer and make a movement that can change people.Love it!
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