
2020 • 86 minutos
6 recensións
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Acerca desta película

A young woman goes searching for answers after her friend mysteriously vanishes in Whitehall, NY, an Adirondack town known for its Bigfoot sightings. She quickly learns that hiding in the woods is an evil more sinister than she could ever imagine.

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6 recensións
B Shannon
11 de setembro de 2020
Ugh....from the horrid and sickening indie music to the trendy 20something lesbians this is clearly aimed at millennial types who worship at the feet of Antifa/BLM criminals and who'd just as soon burn a flag than burn a doob... but I digress. Although the trailer makes it look like a Bigfoot-related horror movie its more a homosexual "love" story with a brief appearance by America's cryptozoology superstar. Only the last 30 minutes contain anything worthwhile. Watch at your own risk.
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Ryu Novacheck
14 de agosto de 2020
The story had a twist to it which was unexpected, a good twist too! However the picture was grainy in the dark parts of the movie and the acting wasn't the best but it is a good time killer.
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Marisol Baginski
29 de agosto de 2020
It' s plots where good ,but the acting good be better.
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