Mozart's Sister

२०११ • १२० मिनेट
२० समीक्षाहरू
यो भिडियो वेब ब्राउजर वा यो एप चल्ने डिभाइसहरूमा हेर्नुहोस् थप जान्नुहोस्
तपाईंको भाषामा न त अडियो न उप-शीर्षकहरू उपलब्ध छन्‌। अङ्ग्रेजी मा उप-शीर्षकहरू उपलब्ध छन्‌।

यस चलचित्रका बारेमा

Written, directed and produced by René Féret, MOZART'S SISTER is a re-imagined account of the early life of Maria Anna 'Nannerl' Mozart (played by Marie Féret, the director's daughter), five years older than Wolfgang (David Moreau) and a musical prodigy in her own right. Originally the featured performer, Nannerl has given way to Wolfgang as the main attraction, as their strict but loving father Leopold (Marc Barbe) tours his talented offspring in front of the royal courts of pre-French revolution Europe. Approaching marriageable age and now forbidden to play the violin or compose, Nannerl chafes at the limitations imposed on her gender. But a friendship with the son and daughter of Louis XV offers her ways to challenge the established sexual and social order.

मूल्याङ्कन र समीक्षाहरू

२० समीक्षाहरू
Rick Maldoo
२०२१ मे १५
Trailer says true story, description says re-imagined account.....which is it baby spits or swallows
तपाईंलाई यो समीक्षा सहयोगी लाग्यो?
James Tomberg
२०१८ जुलाई २७
The movie is not historically accurate most of this is made up
तपाईंलाई यो समीक्षा सहयोगी लाग्यो?
Google उपयोगकर्ता
२०१५ फेब्रुअरी १३
Loved it!!
तपाईंलाई यो समीक्षा सहयोगी लाग्यो?

यस चलचित्रको मूल्याङ्कन गर्नुहोस्

हामीलाई आफ्नो धारणा बताउनुहोस्।