David LM
Thismovie is like a jewelry box that you get as a present, believing that is justan empty and maybe pretty box. And, surprise, after the initial expectation fora movie like Mr. Hyde, you notice that instead is a box full of jewels thatmaybe represent our fear of knowledge and the unknown. It is amazing how thesekids that are treating this humble and shy teacher with the utmost irreverenceand mockery transform into kids that are able to build a device (a Faradaycage) that has saved and keeps saving thousands of people. Not only that butkeep harmful radiations out from you when you use your microwaves. At momentsMrs. Hyde exhibits the conflicts between what she observes from the kidsmistreating their classmates and the powers she just got by accident. The success with the Faraday cage, brings tomany of the kids a different view of their power acquired with knowledge andthinking.Maybe this movie can contribute to motivate us to reflect and considerwhat makes us afraid of knowledge, of uncovering the unknown, of leaving behind violence. Maybe this represents one more freedom stepfrom the slavery of our paleomamalian brain to an integrated brain that leavesbehind the need to chase tigers and lions to a world of excitement, surprisesand a chance for a more peaceful and caring world.