Sally Field and James Garner shine in this delightful comedy about a young divorcee and her 12-year-old son who relocate to a small town in Arizona. There, she finds herself falling for an older, widowed pharmacist played by the charming James Garner. Despite an unexpected visit from her ex-husband, she remains determined to pursue this new romance. This heartwarming film captures the challenges and joys of starting over, with standout performances that make it a classic.
n this endearing 1985 comedy, Sally Field and James Garner deliver charming performances in a story that beautifully balances romance and family life. Field plays a young divorcee with a 12-year-old son who relocates to a quaint Arizona town, where she unexpectedly finds love with an older, widowed pharmacist, portrayed by the charismatic Garner.
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James Garner shines as Murphy, bringing his signature warmth and wit to the role. His portrayal of the affable pharmacist, who becomes an unexpected romantic interest for Emma, is both endearing and genuine. The chemistry between Field and Garner is palpable, and their interactions are infused with a blend of humor and tenderness that drives the film’s emotional core.