Andrew Tiede
This is a very angry movie. Much of the comedy comes from mocking the elderly grandparents for their inabilities due to age, including when they kill the grandmother's cat. There is a very long scene of the father hitting on a woman about half his age in a store, with a follow up scene of him imagining her stripping for him. I don't understand why people like this movie so much, to me it was just rude, mean, and vicious about things outside people's control.
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David Riccitiello
The films focused on great comedy, characters, and plot. But a few innopropreat scenes that might be too weird. And unlike I think the first is a million times better. But it doesn't mean it's bad , it's still funny
3 people found this review helpful

Jonly Wonly
Ah, yes, whose classic family-Christmas would be complete without engaging in the Griswold family-Christmas for yet another year? We've seen it sooo many times we can recite 90% of the lines along with the dialogue, but we still enjoy this ol' warhorse. "Don't throw me down, now Clark!" "I'll try not to, Aunt Bethany."
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