No Country for Old Men

2007 • 122 ደቂቃዎች
3.9 ሺ ግምገማዎች
በድር አሳሽ ውስጥ ወይም በሚደገፉ መሣሪያዎች ላይ ይመልከቱ የበለጠ ለመረዳት
ኦዲዮም ሆነ የግርጌ ጽሁፍ በቋንቋዎ አይገኙም። የግርጌ ጽሁፍ በእንግሊዝኛ ይገኛል።

ስለዚህ ፊልም

Acclaimed filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen deliver their most gripping and ambitious film yet in this sizzling and supercharged action-thriller. When a man stumbles on a bloody crime scene, a pickup truck loaded with heroin, and two million dollars in irresistible cash, his decision to take the money sets off an unstoppable chain reaction of violence. Not even west Texas law can contain it. Based on the novel by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Cormac McCarthy, and featuring an acclaimed cast led by Tommy Lee Jones, this gritty game of cat and mouse will take you to the edge of your seat and beyond right up to its heart-stopping final act.
የተሰጠ ደረጃ

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

3.9 ሺ ግምገማዎች
የGoogle ተጠቃሚ
7 ፌብሩዋሪ 2012
I don't understand why people think this movie is great. I am serious I never write reviews but they build up two characters. Then when it it comes down to the climax, oh wait they took it out. Anybody claiming that taking out the climax is pretentious period. Oh then let's let the bad guy pretty much win. Sorry I don't care how good the shots, score, or deeper meaning b.s. you want to make up it still does not make up for these facts.
33 ሰዎች ይህን ግምገማ አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል
Dustin Brinkerhoff
29 ማርች 2019
SPOILERS: Probably one of the most anticlimactic movies ever. For most of the movie it's actually really great! The story was building, characters were being developed. Then it just feels like the writer gave up at the last 10-15 minutes. The good guy just dies abruptly and you don't even see how. There is no justice for the bad guy, he just goes on his merry way. And what's with the car accident at the end? sheriff seemed out of place too. He just stops investigating all of a sudden.
11 ሰዎች ይህን ግምገማ አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል
Bernard Crowley
10 ጁላይ 2018
It's o.k...very violent ..the last 20 minutes was a head scratcher (trying to be ironic or preach a life lesson)...none of the characters lives were flushed out enough to care about any of the Cohen brother's stuff, but Fargo is ten times a better movie