Sean Bohan
Over the top action and entirely improbable situations (and solutions). And fun, fun, fun. It's essentially John Wick if John had a family and a sense of humor to go along with 'mad skills'. I hope the sequel teaser pans out...
Freda Mans
Started off slow but it sped up and was full of action and destruction! It was a lot better than I expected. I liked the storyline of a bad guy trying to go straight, even though it's been done a million times. Still it felt a little different. So it wasn't like a Groundhog day moment. Good for him, and her if she likes watching people get beat up. Not good for kids.
70 people found this review helpful
Lee divaDzine
Extremely entertaining! Bob Odenkirk rocks! Do not watch this film if you do not appreciate dark, dark hints of humour and over-the-top movie-violence. This is entertainment -- not real life. If you want realism, don't rent fun action movies!! Five stars both for its choice of leading actor & excellence in the intended genre!! I most definitely WILL be watching this again in the future.
21 people found this review helpful