Ian Lamond
I watched this movie as a free rental from Chromecast and would say it was money well spent! I am no film buff and rarely do I review online 'purchases' but felt compelled to try and let others know what was in store should they decide to watch this movie... Whilst I can't deny being entertained for most of the 97 minutes the latter part of the film was entertaining for some of the wrong reasons. Some incredulous scenes set up the finale which becomes incredibly incredulous! The characters are perfunctory, the cinematography is pleasing on the eye, the scenery and settings are believable for the most part and, well, the plot is straightforward and relatively fast-paced. You can find reason to criticise this film easily enough but as far as an hour and a half's entertainment goes its more exciting than a wet weekend in Aberdeen!
Charlie Spilka
Quite honestly the most cliché uninspired predictable Viking movie you'll ever see, with a rather tiresome and again cliché love interest. You can tell what is going to happen between them all from a Mile off.