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The Beginning of Life 2: Outside

2020 • 92 minutes
9 reviews
General Audiences

About this movie

Real connections between kids and natures can revolutionize our future. But is this process still possible in the great urban centers of the world? The newest chapter of "The Beginning of Life" reveals how this has been transforming.

Ratings and reviews

9 reviews
Maria Do Socorro
November 14, 2020
O filme é tão ruim porque eu paguei por iso muito chato brinquadeira muito bom Bom pra caranba
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Pedro Henrique
November 16, 2020
E Muito chato dinheiro jogado no lixo mas tá bom
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tainah vitoria Santos de jesus
March 23, 2021
Ruim dinheiro 💸 no lixo
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