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Paranormal Activity 4 (Unrated)

2012 • 96 minutes
217 reviews

About this movie

All of the activity has led to this! See the all-new unrated cut, with never-before-seen footage too terrifying for theaters. When Katie disappeared with her nephew Hunter, there were no survivors. Five years later she's returned with a mysterious boy, ready to target new victims with her demonic rage.

Ratings and reviews

217 reviews
Sarita Mejia Tarrillo
July 26, 2019
Esta peli me gusta mucho, yo la vi en mi cuarto de noche😎🤐.La chica estadunidense pone camaras por todo lado y el niño diabolico siempre haparese de noche😑😖😨🤫🌎🌎🌎.soy peruano,esta peli esta chido 🌗😎😎😝😜💋💋💔💓💓
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Wilson Chavez
August 18, 2016
esto medio mucho miedo pero no voy a paga 100 lempira por q la puedo mirar en la tele
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Carlo Roman
December 20, 2017
Nunca mas beo esta pelicula te da mucho miedo
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