ManOn TheMoon
How disappointing that so many big names were part of this train wreck. Make-up was a joke. Even my 10 year old pointed out things that made no sense. To call the effects 'special' has a dual meaning here too. This abomination was laughably terrible.
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A Google user
The absolute worst thing created. Hated it. Cannot believe it was released, it actually makes the Mark W. Look bad as a person to allow this to be released as a video. How they didn't get even ten minutes into filming and decide, 'nope, terrible idea, let's shut it down and not waste time, effort, and money', baffles me. The originals are good and the latest ones are good as well, but this one sucks.
Colleen Walker
Then came Ceaser and he went from baby to King of the apes. Dawn of the apes should have many more parts cause Ceasers didn't didn't take no mess. You Go Ceasers. Ceased showed all those apes he was no punks to mess with. He even trained his little brothers. Go Ceased Go!!! Make more movies please. Love the show. Thank you.
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