
2014 • 97 minút
2,9 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

A riveting adventure through time centered on a secret government time traveling agency designed to prevent future killers and terrorists from committing their crimes.

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2,9 tis. recenzií
Kyle Wolford
4. februára 2015
Two hours after watching this movie I laid in my bed still trying to comprehend it. I personally love a good time travel movie, and this one falls snuggly into that category. You'll watch the first half not having a clue whats going on, from there on the pieces start to fall in place. Even though it becomes ever so slightly predictable, you can't stop watching because you need the reassurance that what you think is going to happen... does happen. If time travel is your game, then why aren't you playing yet.
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Michael Brito
10. januára 2015
I love sci-fi movies and was bored with the normal stuff. At first you will wonder if you are watching the same movie than what was in the trailer, but hang in there. The movie has a few twist and turns that will make you say "well that was different". In the end, it will leave you thinking, which is what a good sci-fi should do, just make sure you are paying attention.
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Jonas Rullo
30. marca 2015
I'm an Ethan Hawke fan so I couldn't help but like this one too. This is well made and well acted. Very few characters but feels complete. I only gave it 4 stars because you could just about tell what was going to happen but what you thought was going to happen didn't quite go that way. Definitely compelling. The subtle sci-fi is really good. Similar to Loopers in that way. There's a scifi happening that isn't explained in great detail. I find too much explanation of the tech sometimes spoils the mystery of how it all works. Leave a little to the imagination. I have not heard of the producers/director before, but I definitely want to see more from these brothers.
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