To be brutally honest this is just rubbish compared to the BBC version. Due to time restraints they chop too much out and rush everything. I love Keira Knightly but her portrail of Elizabeth it bad. The rest of the actors fail to capture the elegance and mindset of period dramas. The sets are dark, the characters sloppily dressed and why on earth the Bennetts live on a farm is beyond me. Terrible film and a slur on Jane Austin. If you want a good version of P&P watch the Colin Firth one, this is just a cheap budget version.
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Abominable. The butchering of Jane Austen's work in almost every scene, the rampant liberties taken with historical realism so essential to the novel's success, the deficiency of the script that inspires nothing but hilarity and contempt, the riotously poor acting of lead characters and the complete ignorance towards the importance of the original characters as painted by Jane Austen make this film unwatchable and intolerable. Anyone who has savoured the brilliance of Jane Austen's work should be left in despair and fury that a director can conjure this wreck based on the premise that he knows better than the original author herself. The cringeworthy dialogue, gladly infused by 21st century inanity whenever Wright so pleases, demonstrates this clearly. Do not watch. Read Jane Austen's work and watch the BBC miniseries again, much lauded for its beauty, authenticity and consistency.