A Google user
Weather its a bunch if transforming robots or two black cops in Florida, the formula is the same: characters who don't realize that they are destined for greater circumstances who also happen to have not-so-intelligently written one-liners that are barely passable as humorous. Action scenes are over edited and impossible to make out and the special effects are over the top. Crap movie. I didn't waste my money in the theatre, I should've known better than to waste it at home.
37 people found this review helpful
Dylan Godejohn
While it strayed from the plot of the game made by Ubisoft ALOT I must be honest and say that I still enjoyed it regardless. I wish it'd have stuck true to source material (to an extent) there's a good chance that'd have made for an incredibly boring movie had it fully followed the source material. In the event Disney (or someone else) remakes it I will go back and see it to give my support for its creators.
2 people found this review helpful
A Google user
I was worried I would be upset watching this after playing all the games and loving them. I was not at all disappointed. The witty banter was just that: witty and very natural. The dialogue did not feel forced. If you have not played the games then you may be put off by some of the action, but just realize it is a tribute to the extremely poplar game trilogy+
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