Jim Lockman
About what I'd expect from the ignorant liberal that Matt apparently always has been. Didn't do any serious research into fracking, just went with what Dicaprio shouted out his window as he drove by in his battery-pack-laden Prius. Popular eco bullshit that's already been debunked by, gasp, actual science and REAL research. Stick to your Jason Bourne schtick, Matt....ohhh wait, Renner is a much better actor, so ehhh, just go away.
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cierra Wright
Fracing has been around for fifty years there has not been one proven fact that craving causes damage to water.I've worker on track sites and seen first hand what goes on. I hate to tell you the same chemical put down s franc well us also used o potato plants I. Idaho...if your going to protest something know the facts not the liberal talking points.
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Saab Man
Funded by anti-fracking group with big money in foreign oil. So glad it was a flop so the far-left Damon can chalk up another loser on his ideological repertoire of stinkers. Don't be surprised if you find yourself wondering whether the producers of this movie are against American energy independence - they absolutely are. A total misrepresentation of how fracking works. Shame, shame.
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