Pudsey The Dog: The Movie

2014 • 83 minutu
92 iritzi
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Cheeky London stray Pudsey (voiced by David Walliams - Room on the Broom) has just found a new loving family in the shape of Gail (Jessica Hynes - Nativity 2: Danger in a Manger) and her three children Molly, George and Tommy, and things couldn't be better. However, his new life comes under threat when their dog-hating landlord Mr Thorne (John Sessions – Made In Dagenham) plots to demolish the entire village, leaving Pudsey no choice but stop him by whatever means. Join Britain's Got Talent winner Pudsey on his big screen adventure - a heart-warming and hilarious tail for all the family! 2014 Simco Limited/Dancing Dog Distribution Limited

Balorazioak eta iritziak

92 iritzi
Google-ren erabiltzaile bat
2015(e)ko martxoaren 25(a)
This film is not worth watching. It's merely an overused plot of 'evil landlord, dog and family saves the building. No more evil landlord.' But the worst part is that there's no Ashley! (Pudseys owner) Pudsey and Ashley are not the same when their apart.
4 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
XToffy PopsX
2016(e)ko abenduaren 27(a)
Trust the reviews people I haven't seen it but the horrible ratings made me not want to watch it I'm sorry if this is a great film.
Kelly Morrison
2015(e)ko maiatzaren 11(a)
I thought it was the best film ever I even put all the songs on my phone and iPod #bestfilmever#funny#laughter#woof