Ready Player One

2018. • 139 minuta
26 recenzija
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O ovom filmu

From filmmaker Steven Spielberg comes the science fiction action adventure “Ready Player One,” based on Ernest Cline’s estseller of the same name. The film is set in 2045, with the world on the brink of chaos and collapse. But the people have found salvation in the OASIS, an expansive virtual reality universe created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday (Mark Rylance). When Halliday dies, he leaves his immense fortune to the first person to find a digital Easter egg he has hidden somewhere in the OASIS, sparking a contest that grips the entire world. When an unlikely young hero named Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) decides to join the contest, he is hurled into a reakneck, realitybending treasure hunt through a fantastical universe of mystery, discovery and danger.

Ocene i recenzije

26 recenzija
Richard Gomez
3. april 2022.
The movie is great. Worth the money spent! I hope in the future we will have something like the OASIS but I hope I can create a more anime-style body and face and I want to be a summoner/homunculus creator or archer hehe~
julia luna
26. februar 2021.
The Best movie I have ever watched in my entire life if you game makers see this I recommend you guys to make a game just like the game in the movie I am sure people would love a game like the one in the movie whether Nintendo,VR,mobile or all three One of the sayings in the movie: First to the key, First to the egg.
7 osoba smatra da je ova recenzija korisna
13. septembar 2020.
Saw it on the Netflix I didn't buy it yet good movie anyways