Romeo, Romeo

2014 • 80 minút
8 recenzií
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Tento film

Eye-opening, funny, and heartbreaking, "Romeo, Romeo" is an intimate portrait of a modern marriage, documenting the journey of Lexy and Jessica's attempt to conceive. The film offers a no-holds-barred access to the lives of the loving couple as they traverse the world of artificial insemination, from sperm donors to expensive and harrowing IVF to the possibility that Lexy might not be able to get pregnant. Filled with test tubes, laughter, and tears, "Romeo, Romeo" is a totem to the struggles and triumphs of marriage and family, and a relatable and compelling story that is both modern and timeless.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

8 recenzií
Brian Redfern
19. marca 2014
Beautiful, heartfelt, funny and exceedingly human. Jessica and Lexy share all of themselves and let us in on a journey that's at times heartbreaking, at times joyous and always candid and real. A wonderful, loving story of a couple becoming a family.