Pod Benn (P0D_23)
Marion Cotillard is superb - as usual - exuding confidence, vulnerability - warmth and fear in exactly the right proportions. If she was British, Irish or American, she'd have (more) Oscars, Fame & Fortune and her pick of Films. As it stands, she is a beautiful actress who makes wonderful, complex characters live and breathe - in both films And television dramas. Talented and in a deep, complex relationship with Television, Film and Stage, she is Never Less than watchable, but more often mesmerising. 5☆'s if it were Just her in it, but I'm happy to say that she was matched by the little boy - whose name, I am ashamed to say escapes me - and the intense, enthralling acting skills of Matthias Schoenaerts, who never let's up, never says or does anything that would break your belief that he IS the father, brother, trucker, boxer and lover that make up the supercharged character of Ali. And yet his tenderness and love for both his young son and Stéphanie (Cotillard) are as easily believable as the "underground" boxing scenes are brutal and vicious - but never as OTT as American movies have increasingly become video game style gore ! ☆☆☆☆☆ + Excellently Directed by:Jacques Audiard